Running + This Community = 2 of J&A Racing’s favorite things!
The staff celebrated Global Running Day, by hitting a few different spots in Hampton Roads. One group started their morning by sharing a few miles at the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics. Not only did the run include members of local law enforcement, but a dedicated volunteer of J&A, Elaine Jeffers, was also in attendance, running with the torch as she prepares to compete this weekend in the Special Olympics! Running a 5K from VB to Norfolk was a perfect way to start the day. Meanwhile, another group visited the November Project group at Mount Trashmore for a rubber ducky themed workout.
One goal of Global Running Day is to share your love of running, so after their first run, a few J&A’ers hosted middle school students from Norfolk Academy, not only to share our passion for fitness but also to share our love for the Livestrong organization. Running a few miles in First Landing State Park was a fun way to get to know this great group of students, while mixing in a few motivational words throughout the miles.